Monday, April 9, 2012

"I am" - 04/09/12

"I am" is the 2nd painting hung in my one man show at the ReBar gallery space, the Walkway, in Brooklyn NY.

"I am" is my personal favorite in the show. I have 3 absolute favorite paintings but "I am" reflects a part of me I often times can't  recognize....maybe because I'm not good at holding myself in a still, stern, quiet, dignity filled stance like the subject of "I am".

The subject of "I am" came from an apparent WWII, black and white photograph of a woman standing on her porch in her Japanese kimono. Her head is up, her chin chutted out as she stares down the photographer daring him to capture who she is. I fell in love with her stance and aggressive chin jut. In our new world full of Snookies, talentless celebs and screaming super hype - I find painting people who have quiet inner power a complete relief. Like so many people in my portrait-ish paintings her gaze demands that we recognize her. While I was painting her I imagined her saying in a deep, soft, firm voice: "I am. I AM. I am and I will have your acknowledgement and respect."

"I am" hanging 2nd to last at the far end of the wall.

"I am" on the Walkway wall.

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