Sunday, February 19, 2012

02/19 Sunday

So tired and so much work to get done but here's pics of what I've been up to at the AS220  Printshop the last few days:

Prepping paper

Blocking out 3 images to print out one color layer at a time

Work on the drying racks. Printed illusrtation of a young girl ( design is untitled as of yet) waiting for the last color while the cscreen for "Pride", on the right, is prepped and ready to go. 

"Pride", on the right, underway

Was going to add one more colour but I'm going to leave it the way it is. I like her delicate resignation.

The colours for "Pride", like most of the colours in all of my work, were a fluke - unplanned, last minute and random in choice but I like them. 

His face is more sinister than I wanted but I'm going to leave him be, let him be who he is - I enjoy accidents. There's magic in the boo boos and people have reacted well to him.

"Pirde" drying, "My pet" being printed.

The bottom grey coat of "My pet" is a silver colour. I grabbed a container of what I thought was white off the AS220 shared inks shelf, started mixing and got a silvery tone. Shocked me at first but I really like. 

The work is sitting and drying - Sunday I'm going to try to emboss them with doilies and other shapes. They feel finished but I want to take my work one step further and make it totally tight.

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